Orano and SHINE Technologies sign an agreement for the recycling of used fuel in the USA1 min Lesezeit
29.02.2024: Orano and SHINE Technologies sign an agreement for the recycling of used fuel in the USA
29.02.2024: Orano and SHINE Technologies sign an agreement for the recycling of used fuel in the USA
28.02.2024: The NEA Small Modular Reactor Dashboard: Second Edition
20.02.2024: Westinghouse Awarded Contract to Evaluate AP1000® Reactors in Support of Netherlands’ Energy Future
14.02.2024: Georgia Power: Vogtle Unit 4 reaches initial criticality
08.02.2024: Kernfusion: Europäisches Experiment erzielt Energierekord
08.02.2024: Westinghouse and UK’s Community Nuclear Power Collaborate to Deploy Fleet of AP300™ Small Modular Reactors
06.02.2024: Nuclear Europe: Commission launches European Industrial Alliance on SMRs
05.02.2024: BMWK: Einigung zur Kraftwerksstrategie