Part 1 | Introduction, systematics and basic legal concept
- Concept of radioactive waste
- The waste management concept of the Atomic Energy Act (§ 9a) with its distribution of responsibilities
- Polluter pays principle
- Obligation for conditioning, interim storage, delivery
- Obligation to set up federal repositories
- Definitions and terms relating to radioactive waste - in law and in practice
- The reorganisation in the repository sector 2013/17: BGE and BASE
- The reorganisation of waste disposal responsibility in 2017: BGZ, waste disposal fund, Waste Management Transition Act
- Nuclear Waste Disposal Ordinance (AtEV) 2018
- Administrative structure and responsibilities in the waste sector
Part 2 | Legal framework for heat-generating (highly radioactive) waste
- The waste management concept of the AtG: History and current status
- Interim storage: Authorisation (incl. container approval) and supervision
- The return of waste from reprocessing, the regulation in the StandAG and the BMUB's "overall concept" of June 2015
- Site selection according to the StandAG
Part 3 | Legal framework for low-level and intermediate-level radioactive waste/residual materials, release and surrender
- Overview and residual material concepts; residual materials and radioactive waste
- Conditioning and interim storage of radioactive waste
- Legal transfer of interim storage to the public sector
- Final storage in the Konrad mine, final storage conditions Konrad
- Release and surrender, release from nuclear law
Date 18 April 2024
Location WEBINAR
Price 1.049,- €
Speaker Dr Christian Raetzke | Lawyer, Leipzig