Berlin, 04/03/2022
In the course of the current debate on the possible continued operation of individual nuclear power plants to ensure security of supply in Germany, Kerntechnik Deutschland (KernD), the association of companies and scientific institutions in the field of nuclear technology in Germany, has issued a statement:
The continued operation of German nuclear power plants beyond the currently binding shutdown date of 31 December 2022 can make an important contribution to Germany's energy security, both in the coming winter and beyond. The nuclear industry - operators, industry, service providers - is prepared to support the continued operation of nuclear power plants in Germany and provide the necessary resources.
The following points are currently of particular importance:
- The available German facilities are in excellent condition in terms of safety. There are no safety-related reasons to prevent further operation.
- The nuclear industry has accepted the decision to phase out nuclear power, which was adopted by a broad political consensus, and is implementing it in full. The prerequisite for the continued operation of German nuclear power plants beyond this is that the Federal Government commits to continuing to use nuclear energy to secure the energy supply and that the Bundestag creates the legal framework for this. This political decision must be resilient with regard to business decisions and investments and must be made promptly. This applies in particular with a view to procuring nuclear fuel as quickly as possible, even though this process cannot be accelerated at will.
- As the safety-related regulatory processes at the competent authorities and the experts must also be adhered to, a swift political decision is also important in this regard. A further reduction in personnel and nuclear expertise in these areas must be stopped immediately and reversed as far as possible.
Press contact:
Nicolas Wendler
Phone: +49 172 237 91 84
Current contribution of nuclear energy to energy security in Germany (PDF, 115.48 KB)