The development of global energy supply in the coming decades is of outstanding interest for the strategic orientation of companies and governments as well as the positioning of international stakeholders. Accordingly, a number of institutions regularly present detailed analyses of the prospects for energy consumption and its coverage. The analyses produced are characterised by differences in the methods followed and the assumptions made. A fundamental distinction must be made between forecasts and exploratory and normative scenarios. The approaches and results of the studies will be characterised if they were published in 2023. The future paths indicated in these studies are assigned to the categories mentioned. Furthermore, common messages that can be derived from the studies are identified. This is particularly true with regard to compliance with the climate targets decided by the global community. Increasing electrification and increased use of hydrogen are identified as key technological drivers.
KernD-Bewertung der Studie zu Stromgestehungskosten Fraunhofer ISE
KernD-Bewertung der Studie „Stromgestehungskosten Erneuerbare Energien“ des Fraunhofer ISE: Inhaltliches Missverständnis und fragwürdige Berechnungsgrundlagen KernD-Bewertung Fraunhofer ISE Stromgestehungskosten 08-2024