For some time now, but especially since the support of institutions such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the International Energy Agency and the EU in the Green Finance Regulation, nuclear energy has received broad global support. And there is a growing realisation that nuclear power should be an essential part of the future energy supply in order to combine environmental goals with economic and social development. This assessment is reflected in the commitment of 25 countries at the last Climate Change Conference (COP28) to increase global nuclear power capacity to
and the declaration of the nuclear energy summit in Brussels. Nevertheless, others argue that nuclear energy is above all too expensive and too late to play a real role in the context of climate policy and the energy transition. This argument will be briefly categorised and evaluated in the following article.
KernD-Bewertung der Studie zu Stromgestehungskosten Fraunhofer ISE
KernD-Bewertung der Studie „Stromgestehungskosten Erneuerbare Energien“ des Fraunhofer ISE: Inhaltliches Missverständnis und fragwürdige Berechnungsgrundlagen KernD-Bewertung Fraunhofer ISE Stromgestehungskosten 08-2024