REPOWER: Derisking and Accelerating the Energy Transition1 min reading time
REPOWER: Derisking and Accelerating the Energy Transition
REPOWER: Derisking and Accelerating the Energy Transition
The Future of Nuclear: How Will Fission and Fusion Technologies Help Us Reach Net Zero Emissions?
ITER and DEMO - Technology Challenges on the Way to Fusion Power
Expertise in nuclear technology - a lasting strength of the German economy (Article atw 05-2023)
Recruitment of young talent and a spirit of optimism for nuclear technology in Germany The first KERNTec took place in Frankfurt am Main from 13 to 15 June 2023 as a new joint event format of Kerntechnik Deutschland e.V. (KernD) and Kerntechnischer Gesellschaft e.V. (KTG). The aim of the event was to bring young people with a technical or scientific background Read more...
From Smart Marketing to Building a New Energy System - Challenges for SMR Global Adoption, John Warden, Rüdiger Koenig (Article atw 04-2023)
On the timetable for the site selection procedure for the final disposal of highly radioactive waste in Germany, Klaus-Jürgen Röhlig (atw 04-2023)
Has the site selection process failed? The reality shock, Prof Bruno Thomauske (Article atw 03-2023) Artikel_atw_03-2023_Ist_das_Standortauswahlverfahren_gescheitert_Der Realitätsschock_Prof_Thomauske
Genesis, status quo and future of interim storage of irradiated fuel elements and high-level radioactive waste in Germany, Wendler (Article atw 03/2023) Artikel_atw_2023-03_Genese_Status_quo_und_Zukunft_der_Zwischenlagerung_bestrahlter_Brennelemente_und_hochradioaktiver_Abfälle_in_Deutschland_Wendler
01/05/2023 | Development of electricity generation capacity in Germany up to 2030